licensed partner scheme
Access to venue plans in electronic format
Direct e-mail service
Support of a wide range of file formats.
Modelbox's database of theatre drawings forms the core of our business. We have built up a database of over 500 venue drawings including West End theatres, regional and international venues. These have been traditionally available in paper format. However we appreciate the difficulties of such a limited service, especially with a large increase in the number of theatre practitioners with access to Computer Aided Design packages.
In light of this, Modelbox is pleased to offer our Licensed Partner Scheme. The aim of this scheme is to increase the accessibility of modelbox drawings by offering our venue drawings in electronic format.
For a sum of £170.00 we will give you access to four drawings from our huge database for one year. Additional venues are available at £42.50 per drawing. There is an annual maintenance fee for continued use which includes free updates, and the ability to add further drawings to the license.
The license holder may not alter the plans or distribute the files to third parties, however you are free to add information on extra layers. This means you can draw your set and lighting plans on top of a readily prepared and accurate venue ground plan. No more phoning the theatre and awaiting plans to arrive by post.. Phone or email modelbox and we will e-mail you the drawing files, usually within a couple of hours.. You can add your set and lighting information and e-mail it back to us for plotting, and distribution, if required..
We normally supply files in Autocad Release 2010 format, the industry standard, but we also support a wide range of software packages including Autocad R12 through to release 2021 & DXF. Files can be e-mailed or supplied on CD (extra charge) .
Some of the companies who have joined the License Partner Scheme are:-
Glyndeboune Festival Opera
Rambert Dance Company
Bill Kenwright Ltd
Royal Shakespeare Company
Theatre Royal Bath Productions
QDos Entertainemnt
For more information on the License Scheme please contact Steve
Prices correct June 2020. Suect to change